Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Witch Lady

The following is a SPOOKY story written by Alonzo for the "Looking at Picture books" menu item.

A ghost lady, who rose from the dead, hovers in a wooden chair, above the heads of two guards. The guards ar not concerned, terrified, petrified or scared, but are calmly look at the so called Evil Witch Lady.  Soaring over to the guards, tied to a chair, glaing at the guards, as if they were the ones who tied her to the chair and killed her in her own palace to the left of the guards... Suddenly, a black cloud covers the three. Screams bust ear drums. the witch lady laughs in her best witch voice. Blood slithers out of the dark cloud. A knife drops to the ground. Mwaha hahahqha...


Anonymous said...


-darshana #3

Anonymous said...

Yes Darshana, yes.
The word is 'WHOA'
Even though you see all these mistakes, it's not my fault.
It's Ms.Pickert's fault. (No offense!)
First, she asked me to type off of the paper I wrote for menu items.
When I wasn't done in like 5 SECONDS she asked if SHE could type it.
Have some patience!
So I said "yeah!"
And now, when I look at the story,
I see that she made mistakes WHEN I LOOKED on May 3, 2011!
I'm am just........... AAAHH!
Just don't blame Me for MS.PICKERT'S MISTAKES!
Thank you and goodnight.
Or morning.
Or afternoon.
Or whatever time it is that all my fans are reading this!
THE END and hubba bubba.
I added the hubba bubba
'cause I was getting board and I thought of it.
Bye Hubba Bubbas ane fans!

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